Real-Time Visibility Your Business Deserves.

Join over 50,000 customers who are already tracking with Spytec.

IHG Group 5 (1) Group 4 (1) Group 8  Group 4



“We’ve really just gained a ton of peace of mind, just knowing where the equipment is. Even if it doesn’t move –we know it’s there”

Trenton, Safety Manager & Field Accountant

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Meet the People
Behind Your Trackers.

Learn more about us, and our mission to make asset tracking
fun and effortless for all businesses. 

Our Company

At Spytec –we create innovative IoT technology, made accessible to businesses of all sizes –providing reliable location data, actionable insights, and unparalleled support. 

Our platform makes it simple to gain the clarity and confidence you need to run your business better. 

Spytec is the trusted solution to give you back the control and visibility your business deserves.  

Our Story



Our Humble Beginning

Spytec is founded by Jon Mark, who opened a retail storefront in New York City.


Going Fully Digital

Spytec goes fully digital –expanding and reinventing itself as an eCommerce-based business.


A Mission Is Born

Spytec contracts technology partner to build a GPS tracking solution to pursue the unaddressed consumer market for location-based tracking. 


Focused on the Journey

After experiencing exponential growth with consumer GPS, Spytec scraps other profitable business units to further double down on GPS strategy.


Bringing It Home

Spytec (now Spytec GPS) reinvents itself as a technology company and recruits top tier engineering talent in-house to build the next-generation IoT platform (dubbed ‘Exodus’).


The Next Chapter –And Beyond 

Spytec GPS successfully migrates tens of thousands of customers from the legacy GPS platform to ‘Exodus’ to begin its next chapter.


years providing


customers currently tracking with us


vehicles and assets
tracked. And growing

Our Values


👊 Respect

We work with respect, and we’re always genuine and truthful –even when it’s uncomfortable. We don’t ignore others, we include them, and we make sure no one goes unheard. We’re here to work together, and help each other. 

⚙️ Execution Matters

We work together with a careful, planned approach to reach our strategic goals. We own our success and aim to execute at our very best.  

✅ Accountability

We are accountable for our performance and our results. We act like owners, together. We’re scrappy, meaning we get the job done and we make sure it’s done. We don’t make excuses or blame others for what went wrong. We fail until we get it right. 

❤️ Customer First

Our customers are at the center of everything we do. We listen to them and their needs. We have their backs through thick and thin. Their outcome is our outcome. 

🏆 Honorable Excellence

We believe in quality over quantity. We always strive to do our best work, and we always put our best foot forward, no matter what. We don't settle for good enough –we hold each other to high standards.