Real-Time Visibility Your Business Deserves.

Join over 50,000 customers who are already tracking with Spytec.

IHG Group 5 (1) Group 4 (1) Group 8  Group 4



“We’ve really just gained a ton of peace of mind, just knowing where the equipment is. Even if it doesn’t move –we know it’s there”

Trenton, Safety Manager & Field Accountant

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Protect Loved Ones and Valuables

Get real-time location data on what matters most to you.

Monitor What Matters

Track and secure valued
possessions and loved ones.


Dependable Accuracy

Always know the precise location of your trackers.


Customizable Boundaries

Receive alerts when yourtracking device moves.



Enjoy 24/7/365 network availability.


Data Security

Rest easy knowing your data is encrypted and secure.


See Location and Movement

Receive customized alerts based on the location boundaries you create.

Use our LTE satellite technology to view tracker movement in real time and set up alerts based on the entry and exit areas you designate in the app.



What Others are Saying
“Works perfectly! I can set boundaries and get alerts right to my phone.” Barry R.

Track Movement

Know when someone or something important is on the go.

Need to confirm that a child or elderly parent reached their travel destination safely? Want to know when a valuable personal asset moves out of a secure location? Our customized alerts enable you to receive the exact notifications you want—when you want them.

Maintain Security

Keep data safe.

Breathe easy knowing our system employs multiple safeguards to achieve top-tier data security.

App Experience

Simple, powerful, customizable.



Only the locations, activities and events that matter to you.



Only the locations, activities and events that matter to you.


Smart Notifications

Only the locations, activities and events that matter to you.

Stay on Track

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